Why Fortero is the brand to remember;
for fuller, thicker hair.
Thinning hair is part of the ageing process, and hair loss can be the result of illness, past medical treatments and even stress. At Fortero we know the story: your friends make jokes about your hairline, you look twice at your selfies, you think you’re looking older and your confidence hits an all-time low.
It’s easy to become depressed and withdraw socially when you feel this way. That’s why we’ve gone to great lengths to develop a shampoo that actively cleanses the scalp and pores, and a matching conditioner that strengthens the hair to encourage growth.
There’s no ‘miracle cure’ here. Just science and research bringing ingredients together to create products that do the job they promise. Helping men of all ages to feel better, look younger and gain back their confidence.
That’s what Fortero is all about, and we want you to be part of our story.
Only Fortero’s carbonic acid shampoo
can help restore your hair to its former glory.
At Fortero we know how hard it is to come to terms with losing your hair. Look as young on the outside, as you feel inside, with Fortero.

Gain a Fuller Head of Hair, and Be Yourself Once More With Fortero Shampoo and Conditioner
We’ve experienced the shock of looking in a mirror and seeing a balding, ageing man where a youthful, vibrant person used to be. And so the team at Fortero set out to develop a carbonic acid shampoo and a revitalising conditioner to aid in getting you back a fuller head of hair.
It’s remarkable how strong a negative effect losing one’s hair can have on even the most confident of men. Try Fortero’s restorative hair products and you’ll be your own man once again. No more wondering whether your colleagues are laughing behind your back, no more sarcastic comments on your social media pages and no more feeling like there’s nothing that can be done. There is.
Try Fortero today, and start your journey towards a more revitalised head of lush, thicker hair.
We are here to help, so get in touch and let’s get you started!